
Category: Stimulant

Also know as:

Energy-1, NRG-1, NRG1, Rave


Naphyrone is a stimulant drug related to amphetamines like speed and ecstasy. It is a fine white or off-white/yellow powder and is sold illegally on the internet, often marketed as plant food or bath salts.

How it is taken

Naphyrone is usually snorted up the nose like cocaine or wrapped in cigarette paper and swallowed in a ‘bomb’.


The effects of naphyrone are similar to those of ecstasy and MDMA. People taking the drug may feel euphoric, alert and talkative and have feelings of great empathy towards others. However, negative side effects include anxiety and paranoia.


Naphyrone does not have a long history of use, so there is little evidence of its long term effects or on the risks from using it. Likely dangers associated with naphyrone are becoming clearer as more reports emerge.

Due to its similarity to other cathinone substances, naphyrone is likely to share the same risks such as substances, for example, mephedrone.

Short term:

Risks of mephedrone can include anxiety, paranoia and over-stimulation of the heart and the nervous system, which could increase the chances of having a fit. Other risks include reduced inhibitions, drowsiness, coma, seizures, and death.

Risks, including the risk of death, could be increased if used with other substances, including alcohol.

The high potency of naphyrone by comparison with other cathinones like mephedrone suggests that it is likely to be associated with a higher risk of accidental overdose.

Long term:


Legal status

Naphyrone is a Class B drug meaning it is illegal to have, give away or sell. Possession can get you up to five years in jail and/or an unlimited fine. Supplying someone else, including your friends, can get you up to fourteen years in jail and/or an unlimited fine.

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